Marvel Comics is an American comic book publisher. They published Epic Illustrated, which featured several stories of Estarcion by Dave Sim and Gerhard.
Around 1980, after providing a one-page story for the eighth issue of the black-and-white Howard the Duck magazine, Sim was offered the opportunity to write the feature. Sim turned them down "in about five seconds".[1] Sim later provided pinups of Shang-Chi, Howard, Moon Knight, Cyclops and Iron Man for Marvel Fanfare No. 25.
A few years later, Sim and Chris Claremont hatched a Cerebus/X-Men crossover story, "The Untold Crisis", but apart from a promotional image, nothing came of it.
Cerebus stories[]
- "Arnold the Isshurian", Epic Illustrated No. 16
- "His First Fifth", Epic Illustrated No. 26
- "A Friendly Reminder", Epic Illustrated No. 28
- "Selling Insurance" & "The Girl Next Door", Epic Illustrated No. 30
- "Ages of Cerebus", Epic Illustrated No. 32
- "The Untold Crisis", unpublished
- "Frontispiece", Howard the Duck No. 8
- "Original Sim", Marvel Fanfare No. 25