The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a team of mutated turtles trained in the art of Ninjitsu. They live in New York City, where they regularly face off against The Foot Clan. The team consists of brothers Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo.
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles began life as pet turtles. When the glass jar in which they were kept was smashed by a canister of radioactive material, they fell into the New York City sewer, where they were located by a rat. The rat, named Splinter, had taught himself the art of Ninjitsu by following the training of his owner, Master Yoshi. As the turtles grew, their exposure to the radioactive material mutated them into humanoid form and Spliter decided to pass on his learning to them.
In the 79th Dimension, a young apprentice sorceress named Renet stole the Time Scepter from her master, Lord Simultaneous. Fleeing his anger using the power of the Scepter, she found herself in New York City, where she met the Turtles. When Lord Simultaneous located her, she and the Turtles fled to the past, finding themselves in 1406 Estarcion where they met Cerebus. Savanti Romero, a powerful dark mage against whom Cerebus was fighting, steals the Scepter and the Turtles, Cerebus and Renet must team up to get it back. At the conclusion of the adventure, Lord Simultaneous saves the group, returns the Turtles to their own time and take Renet back to theirs so she can be punished.